Citrix DaaS

Manage an AWS catalog

Manage machine catalogs describes the wizards that manage a machine catalog. The following information covers details specific to AWS cloud environments.


Before managing an AWS catalog, you need to finish creating an AWS catalog. See Create an AWS catalog.

Remove tags

When you create a catalog or a VM, tags are created on the following resources:

  • Virtual machine
  • Root disk volume
  • Identity disk volume
  • Elastic network interface (ENI)
  • Root disk image (AMI)
  • Launch template
  • Snapshot of AMI or root disk

You can remove VMs and machine catalogs from Citrix database and remove Citrix-created tags. You can use:

  • Remove-ProvVM with ForgetVM parameter to remove VMs and Citrix-created tags from a single VM or a list of VMs from a machine catalog.


    With the ForgetVM parameter, the VMs are removed from the Citrix’s provisioning scheme database, however, the VMs continue to remain in the hypervisor.

  • Remove-ProvScheme with ForgetVM parameter to remove a machine catalog from the Citrix database and resources from a machine catalog.

To do this:

  1. Open a PowerShell window.
  2. Run asnp citrix* to load the Citrix-specific PowerShell modules.
  3. Unlock the VM before removing the VMs. For example:

    Unlock-ProvVM -ProvisioningSchemeName "<name>" -VMID "<id"
  4. Run one of the following commands to remove VMs, machine catalog, and Citrix-created tags from resources.

    • Run Remove-ProvVM with ForgetVM to remove VMs from Citrix database and Citrix-created tags from VMs. For example:

       Remove-ProvVM -ProvisioningSchemeName "<name>" -VMName "<name>" -ForgetVM
    • Run Remove-ProvScheme to remove machine catalog from Citrix database and resources from a machine catalog. For example:

       Run Remove-ProvScheme -ProvisioningSchemeName "<name>" -ForgetVM
  5. Verify that the VM is removed from the Delivery Controller, but, not from the hypervisor.

    1. Run Get-ProvVM -ProvisioningSchemeName "<name>" -VMName "<name>". This must return nothing.
    2. Go to AWS EC2 console. You must see the VMs, however, the Citrix-created tags are now removed. Citrix-created tags from the following resources are removed:

      • Virtual machine
      • Root disk volume
      • Identity disk volume
      • ENI
  6. If you remove the machine catalog, verify that the catalog is removed from the Delivery Controller.

    1. Run Get-ProvScheme -ProvisioningSchemeName "forgetvmdemo". This must return an error.
    2. Verify in AWS EC2 console that the following resources are removed.

      • Root disk image (AMI)
      • Launch template
      • Snapshot of AMI or root disk

Identify resources created by MCS

Following are the tags that MCS adds to the resources on AWS platform. The tags in the table are represented as “key”:”value”.

Resource name Tag
ID disk “Name”: “VMName_IdentityDisk”
  “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”
  “CitrixProvisioningSchemeId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
Image “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”
  “CitrixProvisioningSchemeId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
ENI “Description”: “XD Nic”
  “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”
  “CitrixProvisioningSchemeId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
OS disk “Name”: “VMName_rootDisk”
  “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=True”
  “CitrixProvisioningSchemeId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true] “Citrix Resource”: “”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true and AwsOperationalResourcesTagging = true] “CitrixOperationalResource”: “”
PrepVM “Name”: “Preparation - CatalogName - xxxxxxxxxx”
  “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”
  “CitrixProvisioningSchemeId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true] “Citrix Resource”: “”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true and AwsOperationalResourcesTagging = true] “CitrixOperationalResource”: “”
Published snapshot “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”
  If not a snapshot for Volume Worker AMI, then “CitrixProvisioningSchemeId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
Template [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true] “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true] “CitrixProvisioningSchemeId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true] “CitrixResource”: “”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true and AwsOperationalResourcesTagging = true] “CitrixOperationalResource”: “”
VM in catalog “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”
  “CitrixProvisioningSchemeId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true] “CitrixResource”: “”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true] “aws:ec2launchtemplate:id”:”lt-xxxx”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true] “aws:ec2launchtemplate:version”: “n”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true and AwsOperationalResourcesTagging = true] “CitrixOperationalResource”: “”
Volume worker AMI “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”
Volume worker bootstraper “Name”: “XenDesktop Temp”
  “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”
  “CitrixProvisioningSchemeId”: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
  [when AwsCaptureInstanceProperties = true and AwsOperationalResourcesTagging = true] “CitrixVolumeWorkerBootstrapper”: “”
Volume worker instance “Name”: “Citrix.XD.Volumeworker-xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxx”
  “XdConfig”: “XdProvisioned=true”

Convert legacy MCS catalogs in AWS to machine profile-based catalogs

To convert a non-machine profile-based machine catalog to a machine profiled-based machine catalog, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Machine Catalogs page, right-click the Machine Catalog name that you want to convert, and then select Edit Machine Catalog.
  2. On the Edit Machine Catalog > Machine Profile page, select the Use a machine profile check box.
  3. Click Select a machine profile.
  4. On the Select a machine profile page, select a virtual machine or launch template to use as the machine profile.
  5. If some current settings differ from the new machine profile settings, select the required option for the settings you want to use and click Continue.
  6. Click Apply.

More information

Manage an AWS catalog