Citrix DaaS

Time zone setup

Customize the date and time format in the management console according to your preferences.


This setting is specific to each user account.

  1. Go to Settings > Date and Time.
  2. Click Edit to configure the following settings:

    • Time format:

      • Select to display the time using a 12-hour clock (09:00 PM, for example) or a 24-hour clock (21:00, for example).


      Select the Same as local option if you want the format to align with your browser’s time zone.

    • Date format:

      • Configure the date format to match your preferences, such as yyyy/MM/dd.


      Select the Same as local option if you want the format to align with your browser’s time zone.

    • Time zone:

      • UTC: Display the date and time in UTC throughout the user interface. Mouseovers display the date and time local to your time zone.

      • Local time zone: Display the date and time in your local time zone throughout the user interface. Mouseovers display the date and time in UTC.

Time zone setup

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