Citrix DaaS

Migrate Cloud configurations to on-premises

This article describes backing up and migrating your Cloud configurations to on-premises sites.

Prerequisites for migrating your configuration

  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops on-premises environment with at least one registered VDA.
  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops on-premises environment running on one of the following versions:
    • The most recent Long-Term Service Release (LTSR) version - 2402.
    • Any of the Current Releases (CR) versions - 2308, 2311.
  • Run the Automated Configuration tool (ACT) commands on a domain-joined machine with .Net 4.7.2 version or higher.
  • A machine with the Citrix PowerShell SDK. PowerShell SDK is available within the Citrix Delivery Controller installable.


  • If you are running the ACT on a different machine, it must be domain-joined and Studio must have the correct PowerShell snap-ins installed. To get the installer, go to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktopsdownloads website.
  • In the on-prem site, we recommend ACT be installed on the DDC. ACT can be started via the desktop icon.
  • If ACT is intended to be used from the standard Powershell window, then run the following command: Import-Module Citrix.AutoConfig.Commands

ACT is not part of the system PowerShell path so must be explicitly imported.

Key steps

Follow the instructions to complete the migration of your Cloud configurations to on-premises:

  1. Backup Cloud configuration
  2. Modify YML files
  3. Import configurations to on-premises

Backup Cloud configuration

  1. Install the Automated Configuration.
  2. Double-click the Auto Config icon. A PowerShell window appears.
  3. Run New-CvadAcCustomerInfoFile to create a CustomerInfo.yml file. For more information, see Populate customer info file.
  4. Run the command Backup-CvadAcToFile to take a backup of your Cloud configurations.


    • After you run any cmdlet for the first time, an export folder with the .yml configuration files and logs is created. The folder is at %HOMEPATH%\Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig.
    • If you encounter any errors or exceptions, see the Fixups section in the log file.
    • Backup-CvadToFile does not support the parameters IncludeByName or ExcludeByName.


Citrix recommends backing up all the components together.

Modify YML files

Modify the .yml files located at %HOMEPATH%\Documents\Citrix\AutoConfig to include the on-premises details as described in the following table:

YML File Parameter Description Examples
CustomerInfo.yml Environment Change Environment to OnPrem. The environment parameter value is case-sensitive.  
ZoneMapping.yml DaaS:CVAD Map your Cloud resource locations to your on-premises zones. It has to be old:new zones
CvadAcSecurity.yml Hypervisor: ConnectionType: ‘ ‘ Username: ‘ ’ Password: ‘ ‘ Add the hypervisor username and passwords. If the hypervisor is XenServer,XenServer: ConnectionType: ‘XenServer’ Username: ‘root’ Password: ‘ ‘

Import configurations to on-premises

  1. Run either of the following commands in your on-premises site based on your requirements:
    1. Merge-CvadAcToSite - if there is an on-premises site running and you want to merge the Cloud configurations to it.
    2. Import-CvadAcToSite -Environment OnPrem - If on-premises configurations are not available and you are importing the Cloud configurations to create one.


Citrix recommends importing one component at a time to avoid conflicts.

Migrate Cloud configurations to on-premises