Set Remote PowerShell SDK


  • Ensure that the Citrix Infrastructure Monitor is installed on the StoreFront or Provisioning Service machine.
  • You must first install the Remote PowerShell SDK on any domain-joined machine within the same resource location. For more information, see the SDK and API documentation.

Setting up of Remote PowerShell SDK

Perform the following steps and run the PowerShell commands on the device where you installed the Remote PowerShell SDK:

  1. Sign in to the Citrix Cloud console with your Citrix Cloud credentials.
  2. Navigate to Identity and Access Management.
  3. Go to API access tab > Secure Clients > Name your Secure Client and click Create Client.

    Identity and access management

  4. Once you’ve created the client, the ID and secret can be downloaded in a CSV file for future use.
  5. To set up the connection with the Citrix Cloud environment, use the Client Secret created in the preceding step. The example command to use in PowerShell is as follows:

    Set-XDCredentials -CustomerId “<customerid>-SecureClientFile “c:\temp\secureclient.csv” -ProfileType CloudAPI –StoreAs “default
  6. List the PowerShell Citrix Cloud profiles stored in the computer locally using the following PowerShell commands:

    Get-XDCredentials -ListProfiles

    The following image shows the preceding commands as entered in the PowerShell:

    PowerShell command to store Citrix Cloud profile

For more information, see Citrix DaaS Remote PowerShell SDK.

Set Remote PowerShell SDK