
Install SSL Certificate for Accessing StoreFront

Session Remote Start is hosted on IIS and runs under a different identity to the user installing the certificate. Ensure that the Session Remote Start service has permissions to load the certificate.


It is suggested to install the certificate under Local Machine so that all users can access it.

The IIS identity under which Session Remote Start is running must be able to visit the StoreFront URL of Receiver for Web Site without warning. (For example, https://storefront.rl011.local/Citrix/srsWeb)

Import Server SSL certificate to IIS Manager


Skip this step if Session Remote Start is already configured and set as your default website.

Securing access and encrypting traffic with SSL certificates is the preferred way of deploying Session Remote Start. The secure access and encrypt traffic with SSL certificates:

  1. Open up IIS Manager, select the Session Remote Start Server name, and open the Server Certificates.

    Server Certificates

  2. Click Import… in the Actions panel on the right.


Make sure the Session Remote Start service IIS identity has the necessary permissions to load the certificate. The settings shown for Certificate store and Allow this certificate to be exported in the images are recommended for better security. If Web Hosting is selected, remember to import the full certificate chain.

Create HTTPS Binding


Skip this step if Session Remote Start is already configured and set as your default website.

Create an HTTPS binding in IIS Manager.

HTTPS binding in IIS Manager

  1. On the IIS Manager, click Default Web Site under Sites. On the right panel, under Actions > Edit Site, click Bindings.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Under the Add Site Binding screen.

    • Select the type as https.
    • Set https port to 443.
    • Enter the IP address and host name of Session Remote.
    • Start server respectively in the respective fields.
    • Click OK.
    • Now, click Edit on the newly created Binding.
    • Select the SSL certificate.

In this guide, for the Binding settings, we only consider that third-party Auth Service and StoreFront establish the same Session Remote Start endpoint (Network Interface). If not, we must remove the IP address and Hostname limitation and clear the Require Server Name Indication check box in the settings.

Require SSL

  1. In IIS Manager, select the Session Remote Start Site, and double click SSL Settings.

    SSL settings

  2. On the SSL Settings page, check Require SSL and under Client Certificates, select Ignore and click Apply.

    Require SSL
