Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Scanning on non-windows client platforms - SANE Redirection


Users can scan documents from TWAIN applications inside their Citrix sessions from ChromeOS endpoints. When a user tries to scan a document from an application, the Citrix scanning module redirects the request to the client endpoint to achieve scanning from the scanner and the files are sent to the VDA once the scan is complete.


Citrix Control Plane

  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 2411 or later
  • Citrix DaaS

Session Host

  • Operating system
    • Windows 10 1809 or later
    • Windows 11
    • Windows Server 2019 or later
  • VDA
    • Version 2411 or later

Client Device

  • Operating system
    • ChromeOS v129 or later
  • Workspace app
    • ChromeOS: version 2409 or later
  • Scanner
    • The scanner must be supported by Chrome OS

    • Supported devices: Fujitsu FI-7160, FI-8170


      Scanners other than ones listed above can be used using Native Twain UI if supported by Chrome OS.

    • Must be attached to the client endpoint locally through USB.


No additional configuration is required to enable this functionality. This feature is enabled by default.


To disable this feature, open the Web studio/DaaS console. Set the SANE scanner redirection policy setting to Prohibited.


Event logs

Administrators can view various scanning related event messages.

Listed below are the event messages that will be logged in the Event viewer on the VDA host for various scan related operations. They can be viewed under the Application section of the Windows Logs with HDX Scanner as the event source.

Event ID Event Text Explanation
2 AllowScannerSANERedirection policy is disabled. Scanner’s not redirected. Indicates that the SaneRedirection policy is disabled.
3 Scanning details: Pages - ‘[pages]’, Application - ‘[application]’, Scanner - ‘[scanner]’, User - ‘[user]’, Average time per page - ‘[time]’ milliseconds. Generated when a scan is completed.
101 No page found to scan. Generated when no document is detected.
102 Scan failure - The device’s document feeder is jammed. Generated when a scan fails due to a paper jam in the scanner’s document feeder.
103 Scan failure - ‘[failure]’. Close and restart the scanner application. Generated when the scan fails due to errors like unsupported operations, end of file error, access denied errors, etc.
104 Memory failure in application. Restart the application. Generated when a scan fails due to insufficient memory.
201 Scan operation cancelled by user. Generated when the scan operation is cancelled by the user.
202 Session disconnected while scanning. Generated when the HDX session disconnects while scanning.
203 Unsupported conversion between TWAIN and SANE for ‘[capability]’. Please check if the scanner/application is supported. Indicates that the conversion between TWAIN and SANE for the specified capability is not supported.
205 Failed to set the scanner ‘[scanner]’ as active. Please check if the scanner is switched on and connected. Generated when a connection to a scanner fails to open.
206 Scanner not found. Please check if the scanner is switched on and connected. Generated when no scanner is detected on the client endpoint.

Known Limitations

  1. Network authorized scanners are not supported.

  2. Some proprietary scanning applications such as the Fujitsu Paperstream app on the VDA may not list the redirected scanner as supported.

  3. Some of the scanner settings such as page width, page height, paper size, brightness and contrast might not be honored due to 3rd party API limitations when using the Native UI.

Scanning on non-windows client platforms - SANE Redirection