Verify Session Remote Start API Calls

Enumeration and Launch

A sample script shall be provided to verify the installation, configuration, and API calls.

enum_launch_example.ps1 (Only use the Citrix provided)

We strongly recommend executing the verification script on the 3rd-party Auth Service host.

The script enumerates and launches the resources by calling Session Remote Start APIs.

Run the script in PowerShell with two mandatory parameters:

  • Fqdn: FQDN of the Session Remote Start server
  • Upns: An array of UPNs and Resource Names separated by a colon (“:”), resource name can be omitted, in which case the first resource in the list is chosen.

Example: .\enum_launch_example.ps1 -Fqdn "pmd-server.rl011.local" -Upns "pmd-user2@rl011.local:PMD-Server2019-2","pmd-user1@rl011.local"

In this example, the user pmd-user2@rl011.local is assigned to launch desktop PMD-Server2019-2 (this is the name of the desktop as users see on their workspace). And no target resource is specified for user pmd-user1@rl011.local, the script will choose the first one in the resource list.


Launch output

Verify the job output to make sure the resources are pre-launched successfully.

Alternatively, the execution result can be verified in Citrix Studio. Before running the script, no sessions are shown for the target machines:

No PMD users

After running the script, the sessions are now shown to be in a disconnected state, which means the resources are prepared and ready to accept an incoming reconnect.

PMD sessions in disconnected state


logoff_example.ps1 (Only use the Citrix provided)

The script logoffs the resources by calling Session Remote Start APIs.

Run the script in PowerShell with two mandatory parameters:

  • Fqdn: FQDN of the Session Remote Start server
  • Upns: An array of UPNs.


.\logoff_example.ps1 -Fqdn "pmd-server.rl011.local" -Upns "pmd-user2@rl011.local","pmd-user1@rl011.local"

In this example, the script will logoff all the resources for the users pmd-user2@rl011.local and pmd-user1@rl011.local.


Logoff output


This API simply issues the log off request and does not wait for the sessions to complete logging off.

Verify Session Remote Start API Calls