Configure Citrix FAS

Steps to Install and configure FAS

To install and configure FAS in your setup, see Install and configure.

FAS Do’s and Dont’s

  1. It is mandatory to enable the FAS plug-in on StoreFront stores as we are using Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops StoreFront.
  2. Check the rule on your FAS server, to ensure your STF is allowed in the Manage StoreFront Permissions page.


    • Be aware that by default, there is a DENY entry for Domain Computers. On windows DENY always “wins”.
    • Please check that the permissions from Storefront servers for groups such as domain computers is not set to Deny?
    • Verify if FAS rules > access control > domain computers is set to Allow.
  3. Ensure the domain users are added in the FAS console.

    1. FAS console > Rule Default > restrictions > Manage user permissions check if you have the domain user here.
    2. Set the Domain users for FAS user authentication in the FAS console to allowed.
  4. Storefront servers should be authorized to use FAS by default, if not please do it explicitly.

    1. On the FAS server Open Citrix Federated Authentication Service console
    2. Go to Rules tab, select the appropriate policy and click on pencil icon edit
    3. On the left menu select Access control, click the Manage StoreFront access permissions link.
    4. In the Permission for StoreFront Servers page, add your StoreFront servers and give them the Assert Identity permission and click OK.
Configure Citrix FAS