Deploying virtual desktops to VMs using the XenDesktop Setup Wizard
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vDisk Update task properties
After a task is created using the Update Task Wizard, it can be modified from the following Update Task Properties tabs:
- Name and Description. Enter a name (required) to identify this task, and a description (optional) in the appropriate text boxes.
- Disable this task. If enabled, temporarily disables the update task.
Recurrence. Select one of the radio buttons to determine how often this task runs:
- None
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Depending on which recurrence option is selected, the page displays options specific to that selection.
- None – no additional options appear
- Daily:
- Run the update at – select the time of day to run the daily update from the drop-down menu or enter a specific time.
- Everyday – select to run this daily update everyday of the week: Monday through Sunday.
- Weekdays only – select to run this daily update on weekdays only; Monday through Friday.
- Weekly:
- Run the update at – select the time of day to run the daily update from the drop-down menu or enter a specific time.
- Select specific days of the week to run the update. Note: At least one day must be selected to proceed.
- Monthly:
- Run the update at – select the time of day to run the daily update from the drop-down menu or enter a specific time.
- Select to run the update task on specific days of the month using on of the following methods:
- On Date – enter which days of the month to run the update. Note: Only numbers and commas are accepted in this text box. For example: 1,15 runs this update task on the first and fifteenth of every month. If either 29 or 31 are entered, this task will not run every month. Or, select On to select the week and day from the drop-down menus. For example: Selecting First and Monday would run the task on the first Monday of every month.
- vDisk. Lists Managed vDisks.
- Virtual Host Pool. Lists the Virtual Host Pool (host) that communicates with Provisioning Services for updates.
- VM. Lists Managed devices used to update the vDisk.
- Add. Opens the Managed vDisk dialog, from which more Managed vDisks can be selected (refer to Configuring Managed vDisks for Automated Updates.
- Remove. Removes Managed vDisks from the list of vDisks to update with this task.
- Select ESD client to use. Select from the supported Electronic Software Device (ESD) types.
Note: When the option is set to None, client-side scripts can be run if the scripts are stored on the vDisk before the update. These scripts need to be stored under the installation directory of the client. Update.bat is a mandatory script.
Optional scripts include Preupdate.bat and Postupdate.bat, which depend on the users configuration. Scripts that should execute with the vDisk update task process.
- Pre-update script – executes before the start of any update task process.
- Pre-startup script – executes just before starting the virtual machine.
- Post-shutdown script – executes just after the virtual machine shuts down.
- Post update script – executes after the update task process completes.
Upon successful completion of the update, select the access to assign to the vDisk:
- Leave the vDisk in Maintenance mode (only available to Maintenance Devices)
- Place the vDisk in Test mode (only available to Test and Maintenance Devices)
- Make the vDisk ready for use in Production (available to all target devices)
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