Farm properties
Deploying virtual desktops to VMs using the XenDesktop Setup Wizard
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Farm properties
The following tables identify and describe properties on each tab of the Farm Properties dialog.
General tab
Name | Enter or edit the name of this farm. |
Description | Enter or edit a description for this farm. |
Security tab
Add button | Click the Add button to apply farm administrator privileges to a group. Check each box next the groups to which farm administrator privileges should apply. |
Remove button | Click the Remove button to remove groups from those groups with farm administrator privileges. Check each box next the groups to which farm administrator privileges should not apply. |
Groups tab
Add button | Click the Add button to open the Add System Groups dialog. To display all security groups, leave the text box set to the default ‘’. To display select groups, type part of the name using wildcards ‘’. For example, if you want to see MY_DOMAIN\Builtin\Users, type: User, Users, or *ser. However, in this release, if you type MY_DOMAIN\Builtin*, you get all groups, including the MY_DOMAIN\Builtin path. Select the checkboxes next to each group that should be included in this farm. Note: Filtering on groups was introduced in 5.0 SP2 for efficiency purposes. |
Remove button | Click the Remove button to remove existing groups from this farm. Highlight the groups to which privileges should not apply. |
Licensing tab
Note: Changing licensing properties requires that you restart the Provisioning Services Stream Service on each Provisioning Server for licensing changes to take effect.
License server name | Type the name of the Citrix License Server in this textbox. |
License server port | Type the port number that the license server should use or accept the default, which is 27000. |
Options tab
Auto-Add | Use this checkbox for the Auto-add feature. Select the site for new target devices from the Add new devices to this site drop-down menu. If the No default site is chosen for the default site setting, then the site of that Provisioning Server that logs in the target device is used during auto-added. Use the No default site setting if your farm has site scoped PXE/TFTP servers. Important: This feature should only be enabled when expecting to add new target devices. Leaving this feature enabled could result in computers being added without the approval of a farm administrator. |
Auditing | Enable or disable the auditing feature for this farm. |
Offline database support | Enable or disable the offline database support option. This option allows Provisioning Servers within this farm, to use a snapshot of the database when the connection to the database is lost. |
vDisk Version tab
Alert if number of versions from base image exceeds | Set an alert should the number of versions from the base image be exceeded. |
Default access mode for new merge versions | Select the access mode for the vDisk version after a merge completes. Options include; Maintenance, Test (default), or Production. Note: If the access mode is set to Production and a test version exists, the state of the resulting auto-merged version will automatically be set to Maintenance or Test. If a Maintenance version exists, an automatic merge will not be performed. |
Merge after automated vDisk update, if over alert threshold | Enable automatic merge. Check to enable the automatic merge feature should the number or vDisk versions exceed the alert threshold. Minimum value is 3 and Maximum value is 100. |
Status tab
Status of the farm | Provides database status information and information on group access rights being used. |
In this article
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