Data Structure of the Sessions Events
Sessions Dimensions Data Source
Session Meta Data | Type | Nullable | Description | Values |
sessionKey | GUID | No | Identifier for a virtual app or desktop session. | |
userId | String | No | User AD identifier for a virtual app or desktop session. | |
userName |
String | No | Name of the user who has launched a virtual app or desktop session. | |
deliveryGroupId | GUID | No | Delivery Group Identifier | |
deliveryGroupName | String | No | Delivery Group Name | |
siteId | GUID | No | Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site Identifier | |
siteName | String | No | Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site Name | |
machineId | GUID | No | Machine Identifier of the machine on which the session is launched. | |
machineSid | GUID | No | Machine AD Identifier of the machine on which the session is launched. | |
machineName | String | No | The name of the machine on which the session is launched. | |
sessionLaunchStatus | String | No | Launch status of the session | 0 (Successful Launch), 1(Session Failed), 2(User Terminated) |
sessionStartTime | Timestamp | No | Time when the session was launched | The value format is “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss” |
protocol | String | Yes | The protocol used to launch the session | HDX, RDP, Console |
sessionType | Integer | Yes | Session Type | The value mapping is: 0: Desktop, 1: Application |
sessionEndTime | Timestamp | Yes | Time when the session ended | The value format is “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss |
stateChangedTime | Timestamp | Yes | The time at which the session state changed | The value format is “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss |
sessionState | String | No | Session life cycle state | The value mapping is: 0: Unknown, 1: Connected, 2: Disconnected, 3: Terminated, 4: PreparingSession, 5: Active, 6: Reconnecting, 7: NonBrokeredSession, 8: Other, and 9: Pending |
sessionLaunchType | String | No | Session Launch type | ICA, ConnectionLease |
endpointOS | String | Yes | Citrix Workspace app - OS Type | The possible values include, for example: Windows, Unix or Linux, HTML5, Macintosh, ThinOS, iOS, Chrome, and Android. However, the OS type can include more options. |
endpointReceiverVersion | String | No | Citrix Workspace app Version | |
endpointLocationContinent | String | No | Continent from which the session was launched. | |
endpointLocationCountry | String | No | The country from which the session was launched. | |
endpointLocationCity | String | No | The city from which the session was launched. | |
endpointLocationLatitude | String | No | The latitude from which the session was launched. | |
endpointLocationLongitude | String | No | The longitude from which the session was launched. | |
endpointLocationTimezone | String | No | Timezone of the place where the session was launched. | |
isp |
String | Yes | ISP using which the session was launched. | |
gatewayFQDN | String | Yes | Gateway FQDN through which the session was launched. | |
vdaIP | String | Yes | IP of VDA on which the session was launched. | |
connectionType | String | Yes | Type of connection established from the Citrix Workspace app | Internal, External |
connectionViaAG | String | Yes | ||
networkInterfaceType | String | No | Network Interface Type of the endpoint device | Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and so on |
Failure Category in which error has occurred
0 - “None” |
1 - “Client Connection Failure” | ||||
2 - “Machine Failure” | ||||
3 - “No Capacity Available” | ||||
4 - “No Licenses Available” | ||||
5 - “Configuration” | ||||
6 - “Communication Failure” | ||||
100 - “Blackhole VDA” | ||||
101 - “Zombie Session” | ||||
Specifies type of failure
0 - “Unknown error” |
1 - “No failure” | ||||
2 - “Session preparation failed” | ||||
3 - “Registration timeout” | ||||
4 - “Connection timeout” | ||||
5 - “License unavailable” | ||||
6 - “Ticketing failed” | ||||
7 - “Unknown failure” | ||||
8 - “General failure” | ||||
9 - “Resource in maintenance mode” | ||||
10 - “Application disabled” | ||||
11 - “Required feature not licensed” | ||||
12 - “VDA unavailable” | ||||
13 - “VDA is already in use” | ||||
14 - “Requested protocol not allowed” | ||||
15 - “Resource unavailable” | ||||
16 - “Active session reconnect disabled” | ||||
17 - “Cannot find a session to reconnect” | ||||
18 - “VDA power-up failed” | ||||
19 - “Session refused” | ||||
20 - “Set configuration failed” | ||||
21 - “Total concurrent usage limit of app reached” | ||||
22 - “Per user usage limit of app reached” | ||||
23 - “VDA not contactable” | ||||
24 - “Per machine usage limit reached” | ||||
25 - “Per entitlement usage limit leached” | ||||
51 - “Endpoint to Machine Communication error” | ||||
52 - “Gateway to Machine Communication error” | ||||
100 - “VDA unavailable” | ||||
101 - “VDA not functional” | ||||
failureReasonString | String | Yes | FailureReasonString mapped to the string value of failureReason. | |
failureCodeString | String | Yes | FailureCodeString mapped to the string value of failureCode. | |
sessionScore | Integer | No | Session Experience score based on the performance factors | -1–100 |
userScore | Integer | No | User experience score calculated based on session experience and failure rate. | 0 -100 |
icaRtt | Integer | No | Session Responsiveness (in milliseconds) which defines the average round-trip time of the ICA session in the interval of the last 15 minutes. | >= 0 |
icaRttScore | Integer | No | IcaRtt (Session Responsiveness) score is calculated based on the current IcaRtt value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
reconnects | Integer | No | The number of auto-reconnects that happened in the interval of the last 15 minutes. | >= 0 |
reconnectScore | Integer | No | reconnectScore(Session Resiliency) score is calculated based on the current number of auto-reconnects and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
logonDuration | Decimal | No | Total log on duration for this session (total initialization time of the session) in seconds. | |
brokeringDuration | Decimal | Yes | Total time taken by the Broker in initializing the session in seconds. | |
vmStartDuration | Decimal | Yes | Total time taken in starting the VM during the logon process in seconds. | |
hdxConnectionDuration | Decimal | Yes | Total time taken by HDX connection during the logon process in seconds. | |
authenticationDuration | Decimal | Yes | Total time taken in authentication during the logon process in seconds. | |
gpoDuration | Decimal | Yes | Total time taken in GPO processing during the logon process in seconds. | |
logonScriptsDuration | Decimal | Yes | Total time taken in logon script processing during the logon process in seconds. | |
profileLoadDuration | Decimal | Yes | Total time taken in profile load during the logon process in seconds. | |
interactiveSessionsDuration | Decimal | Yes | Total time taken in initializing an interactive session including shell initialization time in seconds. | |
logonDurationScore | Integer | No | The logonDuration score is calculated based on the current logonDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
gpoScore | Integer | No | The GPO score is calculated based on the current GPO value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
profileLoadScore | Integer | No | profileLoad score is calculated based on the current profileLoadDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
interactiveSessionScore | Integer | No | The interactiveSession score is calculated based on the current interactiveSessionDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
brokeringScore | Integer | No | Brokering score is calculated based on the current brokeringDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
vmStartScore | Integer | No | The vmStart score is calculated based on the current vmStartDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
hdxConnectionScore | Integer | No | The hdxConnection score is calculated based on the current hdxConnectionDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
authenticationScore | Integer | No | authentication score is calculated based on the current authenticationDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
logonScriptsScore | Integer | No | logonScripts score is calculated based on the current logonScriptsDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. | 0–100 |
profileSize | Integer | Yes | Total profile size of a user. | > 0 |
totalFileCount | Integer | Yes | Total files in that profile. | > 0 |
largeFileCount | Integer | Yes | Total number of large files in that profile. | > 0 |
failureScore | Integer | No | Calculated based on the number of failures against the number of session launches in the interval of the last 15 minutes. | 0–100 |
failureCount | Integer | No | Total failures that occurred in the interval of the last 15 minutes. | >= 0 |
launchAttempts | Integer | No | Total launches attempted in the interval of the last 15 minutes. | >=0 |
machineFailureCount | Integer | No | Total count of machine failures. | >=0 |
clientConnectionFailureCount | Integer | No | Total count of client connection failures. | >=0 |
capacityFailureCount | Integer | No | Total count of capacity failures. | >=0 |
configurationFailureCount | Integer | No | Total count of configuration failures. | No |
licenseFailureCount | Integer | No | Total count of license failures. | >=0 |
communicationFailureCount | Integer | No | Total count of communication failures. | >=0 |
inputBandwidthAvailable | Integer | Yes | Average Input Bandwidth Consumed by ICA Session in the last 15 minutes. | >=0 |
inputBandwidthConsumed | Integer | Yes | Average Input Bandwidth Consumed by ICA Session in the last 15 minutes. | >=0 |
outputBandwidthAvailable | Integer | Yes | Average Output Bandwidth Available in the last 15 minutes. | >=0 |
outputBandwidthUsed | Integer | Yes | Average Output Bandwidth Used in the last 15 minutes. | >=0 |
networkLatency | Integer | Yes | Average Network latency of the ICA Session in the last 15 minutes. | >=0 |
endpointLinkSpeed | Integer | Yes | Link speed of the endpoint device network interface like Wi-Fi, Ethernet | >=0 |
endpointSignalStrength | Integer | Yes | Signal Strength of the endpoint device. | >=0 |
avgEndpointThroughputBytesReceived | Integer | Yes | Total bytes received on the network interface. | >=0 |
avgEndpointThroughputBytesSent | Integer | Yes | Total bytes sent on the network interface. | >=0 |
wanLatency | Integer | Yes | This subfactor is the latency measured from the virtual machine to the Gateway. A high WAN Latency indicates sluggishness in the endpoint machine network. WAN latency increases when the user is geographically farther from the Gateway. | >=0 |
dcLatency | Integer | Yes | This subfactor is the latency measured from the Citrix Gateway to the server (VDA). A high Data Center Latency indicates delays because of a slow server network. This metric is available only when an on-premises gateway is onboarded to CAS. | >=0 |
hostDelay | Integer | Yes | This subfactor measures the Server OS induced delay. A high ICA RTT with low Data Center and WAN latencies, and a high Host Latency indicates an application error on the host server. | >=0 |
wanLatencyScore | Integer | No | WAN Latency Score is calculated based on wanLatency value and deviation from the baseline threshold value of the same metric. | 0–100 |
dcLatencyScore | Integer | No | The DC Latency Score is calculated based on dcLatency value and deviation from the baseline threshold value of the same metric. | 0–100 |
hostDelayScore | Integer | No | Host Delay Score is calculated based on the host delay value and deviation from the baseline threshold value of the same metric. | 0–100 |
Data Structure of the Sessions Events