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What’s new
What’s new in 2308
Version 2308 of the Linux VDA includes the following new features and enhancements:
Support for RHEL 8.8, Rocky Linux 8.8, RHEL 9.2, and Rocky Linux 9.2
The Linux VDA now supports the following Linux distributions:
- RHEL 8.8
- Rocky Linux 8.8
- RHEL 9.2
- Rocky Linux 9.2
For more information, see System requirements.
Shared GPU acceleration on a multi-session Linux VDA
You can now enable shared GPU acceleration on a multi-session Linux VDA to accelerate OpenGL 3D applications. For more information, see Shared GPU acceleration on a multi-session Linux VDA.
Specific data formats can be copied and pasted between session and client
You can now allow specific data formats to be copied and pasted between the VDA session and the client device. This feature is achieved through Citrix policies. For more information, see Clipboard redirection.
Extended Quest support
We have extended Quest support to RHEL 8.X, Rocky Linux 8.x, RHEL 9.x, and Rocky Linux 9.x. For more information, see the Active Directory integration packages section in System requirements.
Server fetch and client render for browser content redirection
We have extended browser content redirection to support the server fetch and client render scenario. In this scenario, Citrix Workspace app (the client) contacts and fetches content from the web server through the VDA using a virtual channel (CTXPFWD). This option is useful when the client doesn’t have access to the web server (for example, thin clients). It lowers CPU and RAM consumption on the VDA, but bandwidth is consumed on the ICA virtual channel. For more information, see browser content redirection.
Enhanced EDT congestion control (preview)
A new congestion control algorithm is introduced to optimize the Enlightened Data Transport (EDT) protocol. This implementation allows EDT to achieve higher throughput and reduce latency for an enhanced user experience. This feature is disabled by default. For more information, see Adaptive transport.
More menu items in the system tray
We have extended the screen sharing system tray tool to accommodate more menu items. Currently, session users can click the system tray icon to access all the following menu items to perform corresponding actions:
- Screen sharing
- Desktop environment switch
- Graphics quality slider
- Real-time CQI
For more information, see System tray.
Enhanced H.265 hardware encoding
We have extended H.265 hardware encoding to allow lossless compression for the entire screen and lossy H.265 hardware codec for actively changing regions. For more information, see Graphics configuration and fine-tuning.
XDPing enhancement to support SQLite and RC4 issue checks
We have extended the scope of individual tests and VDA registration status checks that the Linux XDPing tool can perform to include SQLite tests and RC4 issue checks, respectively. For more information, see XDPing.
Realm thoroughly tested for Amazon Linux 2, RHEL 7.9, and CentOS 7.9
Using realm to join a Linux VM to an Active Directory domain is now thoroughly tested for Amazon Linux 2, RHEL 7.9, and CentOS 7.9. You can still use the net ads command to join the Linux VMs running on Amazon Linux 2, RHEL 7.9, and CentOS 7.9 to an Active Directory domain.
For more information, see Install the Linux VDA on Amazon Linux 2, CentOS, RHEL, and Rocky Linux manually.
What’s new in earlier releases
For new features included in the releases that shipped after the 1912 LTSR through the 2305 CR, see What’s new history.
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