Data Structure of the Sessions Events

Sessions Dimensions Data Source

Session Meta Data Type Nullable Description Values
sessionKey GUID No Identifier for a virtual app or desktop session.  
userId String No User AD identifier for a virtual app or desktop session.  
userName String No Name of the user who has launched a virtual app or desktop session.  
deliveryGroupId GUID No Delivery Group Identifier  
deliveryGroupName String No Delivery Group Name  
siteId GUID No Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site Identifier  
siteName String No Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site Name  
machineId GUID No Machine Identifier of the machine on which the session is launched.  
machineSid GUID No Machine AD Identifier of the machine on which the session is launched.  
machineName String No The name of the machine on which the session is launched.  
sessionLaunchStatus String No Launch status of the session 0 (Successful Launch), 1(Session Failed), 2(User Terminated)
sessionStartTime Timestamp No Time when the session was launched The value format is “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss”
protocol String Yes The protocol used to launch the session HDX, RDP, Console
sessionType Integer Yes Session Type The value mapping is: 0: Desktop, 1: Application
sessionEndTime Timestamp Yes Time when the session ended The value format is “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
stateChangedTime Timestamp Yes The time at which the session state changed The value format is “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
sessionState String No Session life cycle state The value mapping is: 0: Unknown, 1: Connected, 2: Disconnected, 3: Terminated, 4: PreparingSession, 5: Active, 6: Reconnecting, 7: NonBrokeredSession, 8: Other, and 9: Pending
sessionLaunchType String No Session Launch type ICA, ConnectionLease
endpointOS String Yes Citrix Workspace app - OS Type The possible values include, for example: Windows, Unix or Linux, HTML5, Macintosh, ThinOS, iOS, Chrome, and Android. However, the OS type can include more options.
endpointReceiverVersion String No Citrix Workspace app Version  
endpointLocationContinent String No Continent from which the session was launched.  
endpointLocationCountry String No The country from which the session was launched.  
endpointLocationCity String No The city from which the session was launched.  
endpointLocationLatitude String No The latitude from which the session was launched.  
endpointLocationLongitude String No The longitude from which the session was launched.  
endpointLocationTimezone String No Timezone of the place where the session was launched.  
isp String Yes ISP using which the session was launched.  
gatewayFQDN String Yes Gateway FQDN through which the session was launched.  
vdaIP String Yes IP of VDA on which the session was launched.  
connectionType String Yes Type of connection established from the Citrix Workspace app Internal, External
connectionViaAG String Yes    
networkInterfaceType String No Network Interface Type of the endpoint device Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and so on



Failure Category in which error has occurred

0 - “None”
1 - “Client Connection Failure”
2 - “Machine Failure”
3 - “No Capacity Available”
4 - “No Licenses Available”
5 - “Configuration”
6 - “Communication Failure”
100 - “Blackhole VDA”
101 - “Zombie Session”



Specifies type of failure

0 - “Unknown error”
1 - “No failure”
2 - “Session preparation failed”
3 - “Registration timeout”
4 - “Connection timeout”
5 - “License unavailable”
6 - “Ticketing failed”
7 - “Unknown failure”
8 - “General failure”
9 - “Resource in maintenance mode”
10 - “Application disabled”
11 - “Required feature not licensed”
12 - “VDA unavailable”
13 - “VDA is already in use”
14 - “Requested protocol not allowed”
15 - “Resource unavailable”
16 - “Active session reconnect disabled”
17 - “Cannot find a session to reconnect”
18 - “VDA power-up failed”
19 - “Session refused”
20 - “Set configuration failed”
21 - “Total concurrent usage limit of app reached”
22 - “Per user usage limit of app reached”
23 - “VDA not contactable”
24 - “Per machine usage limit reached”
25 - “Per entitlement usage limit leached”
51 - “Endpoint to Machine Communication error”
52 - “Gateway to Machine Communication error”
100 - “VDA unavailable”
101 - “VDA not functional”
failureReasonString String Yes FailureReasonString mapped to the string value of failureReason.  
failureCodeString String Yes FailureCodeString mapped to the string value of failureCode.  
sessionScore Integer No Session Experience score based on the performance factors -1–100
userScore Integer No User experience score calculated based on session experience and failure rate. 0 -100
icaRtt Integer No Session Responsiveness (in milliseconds) which defines the average round-trip time of the ICA session in the interval of the last 15 minutes. >= 0
icaRttScore Integer No IcaRtt (Session Responsiveness) score is calculated based on the current IcaRtt value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
reconnects Integer No The number of auto-reconnects that happened in the interval of the last 15 minutes. >= 0
reconnectScore Integer No reconnectScore(Session Resiliency) score is calculated based on the current number of auto-reconnects and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
logonDuration Decimal No Total log on duration for this session (total initialization time of the session) in seconds.  
brokeringDuration Decimal Yes Total time taken by the Broker in initializing the session in seconds.  
vmStartDuration Decimal Yes Total time taken in starting the VM during the logon process in seconds.  
hdxConnectionDuration Decimal Yes Total time taken by HDX connection during the logon process in seconds.  
authenticationDuration Decimal Yes Total time taken in authentication during the logon process in seconds.  
gpoDuration Decimal Yes Total time taken in GPO processing during the logon process in seconds.  
logonScriptsDuration Decimal Yes Total time taken in logon script processing during the logon process in seconds.  
profileLoadDuration Decimal Yes Total time taken in profile load during the logon process in seconds.  
interactiveSessionsDuration Decimal Yes Total time taken in initializing an interactive session including shell initialization time in seconds.  
logonDurationScore Integer No The logonDuration score is calculated based on the current logonDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
gpoScore Integer No The GPO score is calculated based on the current GPO value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
profileLoadScore Integer No profileLoad score is calculated based on the current profileLoadDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
interactiveSessionScore Integer No The interactiveSession score is calculated based on the current interactiveSessionDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
brokeringScore Integer No Brokering score is calculated based on the current brokeringDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
vmStartScore Integer No The vmStart score is calculated based on the current vmStartDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
hdxConnectionScore Integer No The hdxConnection score is calculated based on the current hdxConnectionDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
authenticationScore Integer No authentication score is calculated based on the current authenticationDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
logonScriptsScore Integer No logonScripts score is calculated based on the current logonScriptsDuration value and deviation from the baseline threshold of that metric. 0–100
profileSize Integer Yes Total profile size of a user. > 0
totalFileCount Integer Yes Total files in that profile. > 0
largeFileCount Integer Yes Total number of large files in that profile. > 0
failureScore Integer No Calculated based on the number of failures against the number of session launches in the interval of the last 15 minutes. 0–100
failureCount Integer No Total failures that occurred in the interval of the last 15 minutes. >= 0
launchAttempts Integer No Total launches attempted in the interval of the last 15 minutes. >=0
machineFailureCount Integer No Total count of machine failures. >=0
clientConnectionFailureCount Integer No Total count of client connection failures. >=0
capacityFailureCount Integer No Total count of capacity failures. >=0
configurationFailureCount Integer No Total count of configuration failures. No
licenseFailureCount Integer No Total count of license failures. >=0
communicationFailureCount Integer No Total count of communication failures. >=0
inputBandwidthAvailable Integer Yes Average Input Bandwidth Consumed by ICA Session in the last 15 minutes. >=0
inputBandwidthConsumed Integer Yes Average Input Bandwidth Consumed by ICA Session in the last 15 minutes. >=0
outputBandwidthAvailable Integer Yes Average Output Bandwidth Available in the last 15 minutes. >=0
outputBandwidthUsed Integer Yes Average Output Bandwidth Used in the last 15 minutes. >=0
networkLatency Integer Yes Average Network latency of the ICA Session in the last 15 minutes. >=0
endpointLinkSpeed Integer Yes Link speed of the endpoint device network interface like Wi-Fi, Ethernet >=0
endpointSignalStrength Integer Yes Signal Strength of the endpoint device. >=0
avgEndpointThroughputBytesReceived Integer Yes Total bytes received on the network interface. >=0
avgEndpointThroughputBytesSent Integer Yes Total bytes sent on the network interface. >=0
wanLatency Integer Yes This subfactor is the latency measured from the virtual machine to the Gateway. A high WAN Latency indicates sluggishness in the endpoint machine network. WAN latency increases when the user is geographically farther from the Gateway. >=0
dcLatency Integer Yes This subfactor is the latency measured from the Citrix Gateway to the server (VDA). A high Data Center Latency indicates delays because of a slow server network. This metric is available only when an on-premises gateway is onboarded to CAS. >=0
hostDelay Integer Yes This subfactor measures the Server OS induced delay. A high ICA RTT with low Data Center and WAN latencies, and a high Host Latency indicates an application error on the host server. >=0
wanLatencyScore Integer No WAN Latency Score is calculated based on wanLatency value and deviation from the baseline threshold value of the same metric. 0–100
dcLatencyScore Integer No The DC Latency Score is calculated based on dcLatency value and deviation from the baseline threshold value of the same metric. 0–100
hostDelayScore Integer No Host Delay Score is calculated based on the host delay value and deviation from the baseline threshold value of the same metric. 0–100
Data Structure of the Sessions Events