Citrix Cloud

Custom landing page

Many administrators access the Cloud Console to perform specific tasks like managing applications in the Web Studio console or viewing data in DaaS - Monitor. However, these tasks require multiple clicks and navigating through multiple pages every time the admins log in, which can be time-consuming. This new feature allows admins to set or modify a custom landing page, saving time and providing an enhanced console experience.

Currently, the following pages are available to be configured as a custom landing page, with more expected to be added in the future:

  • DaaS
  • DaaS-Monitor
  • NetScaler Console
  • CAS
  • CAS Security
  • CAS Performance
  • WEM
  • General


The custom landing page setting is optional, and is set on a per account basis. So each administrator can customize their own experience within Citrix Cloud. All admins (whether custom or full) have access to this feature.

Configure a custom landing page

  1. Click the profile name and select Account Settings.

    Account Settings

  2. Click Customization.


  3. Select the service you would like to configure as your custom landing page.


  4. Click Apply.

    Your custom landing page is now set.


  • You can reset your custom landing page to the default Cloud home page anytime by clicking Reset to default.
  • If you sign in again on the same page where you just signed out, it will take you to your last viewed page instead of your new landing page.
Custom landing page