
HTML5 logs

Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 provides timestamps for the logs generated by the user device.


  • To assist with troubleshooting issues, you can view Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 session logs.

The log page allows users to:

  • Enable Logging: Enable logging to view the HMTL5 logs.
  • Disable Logging: Disable logging to stop logging in a session.
  • View logs: View the logs generated for a session.
  • Clear logs: Delete the log file generated in a session.
  • Download log file: Download the log file to a desired location.

Citrix Workspace app supports log collection for ongoing virtual desktop and app sessions. Previously, you collected logs only for sessions launched after selecting Start Logging during an ongoing session. Now, the logs are collected for the ongoing and next sessions until you select Stop Logging.

Troubleshooting enhancement for mobile devices

You can get quick access to the session log file by tapping the Get Logs option. The logging option is renamed from Logging to Get Logs. When you select Get Logs from the secondary menu, the log file downloads on your device, unlike on a new browser tab.


You can collect logs for the ongoing session and a maximum of the previous five sessions.

How to collect logs

To collect Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 client logs, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Citrix Workspace app for HTML5.

  2. Access the Log files page as follows:
    • For Citrix Workspace app versions 1908 and later, open a new tab and navigate to siteurl/Clients/HTML5Client/src/SessionWindow.html#engineType=log, where siteurl is the URL of the Workspace for Web site, for example, https://server.domain/Citrix/StoreWeb.
    • For Citrix Workspace app versions 1907 and earlier, open a new tab and navigate to siteurl/Clients/HTML5Client/src/ViewLog.html, where siteurl is the URL of the Citrix Workspace for Web site, for example, https://server.domain/Citrix/StoreWeb.
  3. On the Log files page, click Start Logging.

    Start logging

    Logging is enabled for the next session launch, and not for the current active session (if any).

  4. Sign in to the Citrix Workspace app and start your virtual app session and reproduce the issue to collect logs. Continue to work on the session to reproduce the issue.

  5. Close the session once the problem is reproduced.

  6. The log files generated for the Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 session are shown in the logging page.

    Log files

  7. Click the arrow button to download and save the Log file.

    Log files


  • To enable and view Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 logs, you can use the option Logging from the session toolbar menu.

Logging toolbar

Console logs

To collect Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 console logs, do the following:

  1. Open the Developer tools on the browser tab where the session is running. For example, on the Google Chrome browser, Developer tools can be found under the More Tools option.

    Developer tool

  2. Click Console in the opened developer tool.

  3. Right-click and select the Save as option to save all the logs.


USB redirection logs

To enable logging and to collect logs for USB redirection-related issues, do the following:

Enable logs

  1. Edit the configuration.js file and navigate to the HTML5_CONFIG section.

  2. Add the value moreLogs{‘usb’: true}. This setting is relevant to the StoreFront. The configuration.js file is at C:\program Files\Citrix <actual path>\HTML5Client.

Collect logs

To collect logs, see How to collect logs.

Device logs

To collect device logs, open a new tab in the Google Chrome browser and enter chrome://device-log and share the logs.

Device log

Microsoft Teams optimization logs

Microsoft Teams optimization supports the latest shim library version

To know the current shim version that you use:

  1. Open the Microsoft Teams application and start a call with one of the users.

  2. Maximize the Microsoft Teams window after the call is established.

  3. Open the On-screen keyboard inside the session and click the Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1 keys.

    You can now view the log files under the downloads folder in the VDA.

  4. Open the MSTeams_Diagnostics Log <date><time>.txt file and search for the shim version under type_script. For example, “version”:{“type_script”:””}.
