Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

Machine actions and columns

This article lists machine actions and columns with descriptions for your reference.


View the actions you can perform on machines and their descriptions.

Action Description Applies to
Remove from Delivery Group Remove a machine from the delivery group. Single-session and multi-session
Add to Delivery Group Add a machine to a delivery group. Single-session and multi-session
View Sessions View the sessions running on a machine Single-session and multi-session
Manage Tags Add and manage tags for a machine. For more information about typical use cases of tags, see Tags. Single-session and multi-session
Turn On Maintenance Mode
Place a machine in maintenance mode before applying patches, or for troubleshooting. Single-session and multi-session
This mode prevents new connections from being made to that machine. Users can connect to existing sessions on that machine, but they can’t start new sessions on that machine.
Turn Off Maintenance Mode Turn off maintenance mode for a machine. Single-session and multi-session
Upgrade VDA Upgrade VDA for a machine. Single- or multi-session OS machines that meet certain requirements: Learn more.
Log Off Force log off a machine Single-session and multi-session
Delete Delete a VM from a machine catalog while leaving it intact on the hypervisor or cloud service. Single-session and multi-session
Change User Assign a machine to a specific user. single-session static machines.
Start Start a machine. Single-session and multi-session
Shut Down Shut down a machine. Single-session and multi-session
Restart Restart a machine Single-session and multi-session
Suspend Place a machine in a hibernation or suspension state. When you suspend a machine, Delivery Controllers store the memory contents of the machine in a file and then shuts down the machine. Single-session OS machines
Resume Resume a suspended machine. When you resume a suspended machine, Delivery Controllers start the machine and restores it to the previous state. Single-session OS machines
Force Restart Force restart a machine. Single-session OS machines
Force Shut Down Force shut down a machine. Single-session OS machines


View all machine columns and their descriptions by type:


Columns in the Machine category.

Column Description Applies to
Name The DNS host name of the machine. Single-session and multi-session
Machine Catalog The name of the catalog the machine belongs to. Single-session and multi-session
Delivery Group The name of the delivery group the machine belongs to. Single-session and multi-session
User Display Name The full names of the users associated with the machine (usually in the form Firstname Lastname). Associated users are the current users for shared machines and the assigned users for dedicated machines. Single-session and multi-session
User The user names of the users associated with the machine (in the form “domain\user”). Associated users are the current users for shared machines and the assigned users for dedicated machines. Single-session and multi-session
User Principal Name The User Principal Names of the users associated with the machine (in the form “user@domain”). Associated users are the current users for shared machines and the assigned users for dedicated machines. Single-session and multi-session
Desktop Display Name
The published name of the machine originally used to launch the session. It’s the name displayed on the Citrix Workspace app or StoreFront. Single-session only
Note: To change a desktop’s display, you need the Perform Machine Update permission because changing the display name involves updating the machine property.
Desktop Conditions The list of outstanding desktop conditions for the machine. Possible values: Unknown, CPU, ICALatency, and UPMLogonTime. Single-session and multi-session
Allocation Type The allocation type of the machine: Permanent, when allocated to a user permanently. Random, when allocated randomly. Single-session and multi-session
Maintenance Mode Indicates whether the machine is in maintenance mode. Single-session and multi-session
Windows Connection Setting
Logon mode reported by Windows. Multi-session only
Possible values: LogonEnabled, Draining, DrainingUntilRestart, and LogonDisabled.
Is Assigned Indicates whether a dedicated desktop has been assigned to a user or a client (name/address). Users can be assigned explicitly or by assigning-on-first-use-of-the-machine. Single-session and multi-session
Is Physical Indicates whether the machine is physical or not. True indicates that the machine is physical, meaning it isn’t power-managed by Delivery Controllers. False indicates otherwise. Single-session and multi-session
Provisioning Type

How the machine was provisioned. Possible values:
  • Manual: Not provisioned using PVS or MCS.
  • PVS: Provisioned using PVS (physical, blade, and virtual machines)
  • MCS: Provisioned using MCS (VMs only)
  • Single-session and multi-session

    Scheduled Restart

    The state of any scheduled reboot operation for the machine. Possible values:
  • None: No reboot is scheduled.
  • Pending: Awaiting reboot but is available for use.
  • Draining: Awaiting reboot and is unavailable for new sessions. Reconnections to existing connections are still allowed, however.
  • In Progress: Actively undergoing a scheduled reboot.
  • Natural: Natural reboot in progress. The machine is awaiting a restart.
  • Single-session and multi-session

    Zone The name of the zone where the machine is located. Single-session and multi-session
    The overall state of the desktop associated with the machine, derived from various specific states such as session state, registration state, and power state. Single-session and multi-session
    Possible states: Off, Unregistered, Available, Disconnected, InUse, and Preparing.
    Tags The list of tags associated with the machine. Single-session and multi-session
    VDA Upgrade
    The machine state for VDA package upgrade actions. Single-session and multi-session
    Possible values: MissingUpgradeType, UpgradeScheduled, UpgradeAvailable, UpToDate, and Unknown.
    Suspend Capable Indicates whether the machine supports power actions (Suspend and Resume). Single-session and multi-session
    Load Index The current load index. For more information, see Learn more. Multi-session only
    Drain State
    Indicates whether the machine is draining and will shut down after all sessions on the machine end. True appears only for power-managed, multi-session machines. Multi-session only
    Note: The machine doesn’t shut down if it’s in maintenance mode. It shuts down only after it’s off maintenance mode.

    Machine details

    Columns in the Machine details category.

    Column Description Applies to
    Agent Version The version of the Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) installed on the machine. Single-session and multi-session
    IP Address The IP address of the machine. Single-session and multi-session
    Is Assigned Indicates whether a dedicated desktop has been assigned to a user or a client (name/address). Users can be assigned explicitly or by assigning-on-first-use-of-the-machine. Single-session and multi-session
    OS Type The type of the operating system running on the machine. Single-session only


    Columns in the Applications category.

    Column Description Applies to
    Application in Use The list of applications in use on the machine (displayed as browser names). Single-session and multi-session
    Published Applications The list of applications published by the machine (displayed as browser names). Single-session and multi-session


    Columns in the Connections category.

    Column Description Applies to
    Client (IP) The IP address of the client connected to the machine. Single-session only
    Client The host name of the client connected to the machine. Single-session only
    Plug-In Version The version of the Citrix Workspace app on the connected client. Single-session only
    Connected Through The host name of the incoming connection, typically a gateway, router, or client. Single-session only
    Connected Through (IP) The IP address of the incoming connection, typically a gateway, router, or client. Single-session only
    Connection Type The protocol used for the session. Possible values: HDX, RDP, and Console. Note: The field is left blank for console sessions on XenDesktop 5 VDAs. Single-session only
    Last Connection Time (UTC) The time of the last detected connection attempt that either failed or succeeded. Single-session and multi-session
    Last Connection User The SAM name (in the form “DOMAIN\user”) of the user that last attempted a connection with the machine. If the SAM name is not available, the SID is used. Single-session and multi-session
    Secure ICA Active Indicates whether SecureICA is active on the current session. Always null for multi-session machines. Single-session and multi-session


    Columns in the Hosting category.

    Column Description Applies to
    VM The friendly name of a hosted machine running the session, as used by its hypervisor. It doesn’t necessarily match either the DNS or AD name of the machine. Single-session and multi-session
    Hosting Server Name The DNS name of the hypervisor that is hosting the machine if managed. Single-session and multi-session
    Connection The name of the host connection assigned to the machine hosting the session. Single-session and multi-session
    Pending Update Indicates whether the VM image for a hosted machine is out of date and due to be updated to a new image at the machine’s next reboot. Single-session and multi-session
    User Change Persistence

    How user changes are handled, indicating whether the changes are persistent:
  • OnLocal: Persistent. User changes are saved locally.
  • Discard: Non-persistent. User changes are discarded.
  • Single-session and multi-session

    Pending Power Action Indicates whether there are any pending power actions for the machine. Single-session and multi-session
    Power State The power state of the machine. Possible values: Unmanaged, Unknown, Unavailable, Off, On, Suspended, TurningOn, TurningOff, Suspending, and Resuming. Single-session and multi-session
    Will Shut Down After Use
    Applicable only to power-managed, single-session machines. Indicates whether the machine is tainted and will shut down after all sessions end. Single-session only
    Note: The machine won’t shut down if it’s in maintenance mode. It will shut down only after it is taken out of maintenance mode.


    Columns in the Registration category.

    Column Description Applies to
    Last Registration Failure
    The reason for the last deregistration of the machine with the broker. Single-session and multi-session
    Possible values are: AgentShutdown, AgentSuspended, AgentRequested, IncompatibleVersion, AgentAddressResolutionFailed, AgentNotContactable, AgentWrongActiveDirectoryOU, EmptyRegistrationRequest, MissingRegistrationCapabilities, MissingAgentVersion, InconsistentRegistrationCapabilities, NotLicensedForFeature, UnsupportedCredentialSecurityVersion, InvalidRegistrationRequest, SingleMultiSessionMismatch, FunctionalLevelTooLowForCatalog, FunctionalLevelTooLowForDesktopGroup, PowerOff, DesktopRestart, DesktopRemoved, AgentRejectedSettingsUpdate, SendSettingsFailure, SessionAuditFailure, SessionPrepareFailure, ContactLost, SettingsCreationFailure, UnknownError, and BrokerRegistrationLimitReached.
    Last Registration Failure Time (UTC) The time of the last deregistration of the machine. Single-session and multi-session
    Registration State The registration state of the machine. Possible values: Unregistered, Initializing, Registered, and AgentError. Single-session and multi-session
    Fault State

    The summary state of any current fault state of the machine. Possible values:
  • None: No fault. The machine is healthy.
  • FailedToStart: The last power-on operation for the machine failed.
  • StuckOnBoot: The machine failed to start after being powered on.
  • Unregistered. The machine failed to register within the expected period or its registration has been rejected.
  • MaxCapacity. The machine is reporting itself at maximum capacity.
  • Single-session and multi-session

    Session details

    Columns in the Session details category.

    Column Description Applies to
    Launched Over The host name of the StoreFront server used to launch the current brokered session. Always null for multi-session machines. Single-session and multi-session
    Launched Over (IP) The IP address of the StoreFront server used to launch the current brokered session. Always null for multi-session machines. Single-session and multi-session
    Session Change Time (UTC) The time of the last state change of the current session. Single-session only
    SmartAccess Filters Smart Access tags for the current session. Always null for multi-session machines. Single-session and multi-session


    Columns in the Session category.

    Column Description Applies to
    Session State The state of the current session. Possible values: Other, PreparingSession, Connected, Active, Disconnected, Reconnecting, NonBrokeredSession, and Unknown. Single-session only
    Current User The name of the current session’s user (in the form “DOMAIN\user”). Single-session only
    Start Time (UTC) The start time of the current session. Single-session only
    Session Count The number of sessions on the machine. Multi-session only
    Machine actions and columns