NetScaler Gateway configuration for TCP/UDP applications

You can use the procedure outlined in NetScaler Gateway configuration for Web/SaaS applications to configure TCP/UDP applications. To configure gateway for TCP/UDP applications, you must enable the TCP/UDP support by entering Y for the Enable TCP/UDP App type support parameter in the script.

The following figure displays the Enable TCP/UDP App type support parameter enabled for TCP/UDP support.

NetScaler configuration 1

NetScaler configuration 2

Update existing NetScaler Gateway configuration for TCP/UDP apps

If you are updating the configuration from earlier versions to 2407, it is recommended that you update the configuration manually. For details, see Example commands to update an existing NetScaler Gateway configuration. Also, you must update the NetScaler Gateway virtual server and session action settings.

NetScaler Gateway virtual server settings

When you add or update the existing NetScaler Gateway virtual server, ensure that the following parameters are set to the defined values. For sample commands, see Example commands to update an existing NetScaler Gateway configuration. Also, you must update the NetScaler Gateway virtual server and session action settings.

Add a virtual server:

  • tcpProfileName: nstcp_default_XA_XD_profile
  • deploymentType: ICA_STOREFRONT (available only with the add vpn vserver command)
  • icaOnly: OFF

Update a virtual server:

  • tcpProfileName: nstcp_default_XA_XD_profile
  • icaOnly: OFF

For details on the virtual server parameters, see vpn-sessionAction.

NetScaler Gateway session action settings

Session action is bound to a gateway virtual server with session policies. When you create or update a session action, ensure that the following parameters are set to the defined values. For sample commands, see Example commands to update an existing NetScaler Gateway configuration. Also, you must update the NetScaler Gateway virtual server and session action settings.

  • transparentInterception: ON
  • SSO: ON
  • ssoCredential: PRIMARY
  • useMIP: NS
  • useIIP: OFF
  • icaProxy: OFF
  • ClientChoices: ON
  • ntDomain: - used for SSO (optional)
  • defaultAuthorizationAction: ALLOW
  • authorizationGroup: SecureAccessGroup
  • clientlessVpnMode: OFF
  • clientlessModeUrlEncoding: TRANSPARENT
  • SecureBrowse: ENABLED

Example commands to update an existing NetScaler Gateway configuration


If you are manually updating the existing configuration, then in addition to the following commands, you must update the /nsconfig/rc.netscaler file with the command -ys ns_vpn_enable_spa_tcp_udp_apps=3.

  • Add a VPN session action to support Citrix Secure Access-based connections.

    add vpn sessionPolicy PL_AG_PLUGINspaonprem "HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"CitrixReceiver\").NOT && (HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"plugin\") || HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"CitrixSecureAccess\"))" AC_AG_PLGspaonprem

    add vpn sessionPolicy PL_WBspaonprem "HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"CitrixReceiver\").NOT && HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"plugin\").NOT && HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"CitrixSecureAccess\").NOT" AC_WBspaonprem

  • Add a VPN session policy to support Citrix Secure Access-based connections.

    add vpn sessionPolicy PL_AG_PLUGINspaonprem "HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"CitrixReceiver\").NOT && HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"plugin\")" AC_AG_PLGspaonprem

  • Bind the session policy to the VPN virtual server to support Citrix Secure Access-based connections.

    bind vpn vserver spaonprem -policy PL_AG_PLUGINspaonprem -priority 105 -gotoPriorityExpression NEXT -type REQUEST

  • Add an HTTP callout policy to support authorization validation for TCP/UDP based connections.


    This step is required only if your NetScaler Gateway version is lower than 14.1-29.x.

    add policy httpCallout SecureAccess_httpCallout_TCP -IPAddress -port 443 -returnType BOOL -httpMethod POST -hostExpr "\"spa.gwonprem.corp\"" -urlStemExpr "\"/secureAccess/authorize\"" -headers Content-Type("application/json") X-Citrix-SecureAccess-Cache("dstip="+HTTP.REQ.HEADER("CSIP").VALUE(0)+"&sessid="+aaa.user.sessionid) -bodyExpr q/"{"+"\"userName\":\""+aaa.USER.NAME.REGEX_REPLACE(re#\\#,"\\\\",ALL)+"\","+"\"domain\":\""+aaa.USER.DOMAIN+"\","+"\"customTags\":\""+http.REQ.HEADER("X-Citrix-AccessSecurity").VALUE(0)+"\","+"\"gatewayAddress\":\"ns224158.gwonprem.corp\","+"\"userAgent\":\"CitrixSecureAccess\","+"\"applicationDomain\":\""+http.REQ.HEADER("CSHOST").VALUE(0)+"\","+"\"smartAccessTags\":\""+aaa.user.attribute("smartaccess_tags")+"\",\"applicationType\":\"ztna\",\"applicationDetails\":{\"destinationIp\":\""+HTTP.REQ.HEADER("CSIP").VALUE(0)+"\",\"destinationPort\":\""+HTTP.REQ.HEADER("PORT").VALUE(0)+"\",\"protocol\":\"TCP\"}}"/ -scheme https -resultExpr "http.RES.HEADER(\"X-Citrix-SecureAccess-Decision\").contains(\"ALLOW\")"

  • Add an authorization policy to support TCP/UDP based connections.

    add authorization policy SECUREACCESS_AUTHORIZATION_TCP "HTTP.REQ.URL.EQ(\"/cs\") && HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"PRTCL\").EQ(\"TCP\") && sys.HTTP_CALLOUT(SecureAccess_httpCallout_TCP)" ALLOW

  • Bind the authorization policy to the authentication and authorization group to support TCP/UDP based applications.

    bind aaa group SecureAccessGroup -policy SECUREACCESS_AUTHORIZATION_TCP -priority 1010 -gotoPriorityExpression END

Additional information

For additional information on the NetScaler Gateway for Secure Private Access, see the following topics:

NetScaler Gateway configuration for TCP/UDP applications