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Storage zones controller

Install an SSL certificate

If you do not use a wildcard certificate, you must create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for the storage zones controller server and submit your request to a Certificate Authority (CA). For help, see the documentation for your CA.

Follow these steps to install a certificate.

  1. On the storage zones controller server, open MMC and then choose File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
  2. Select Certificates and then select Add.
  3. Select Computer Account, select Next, select Finish, and then select OK.
  4. In the MMC console, expand Certificates > Personal.
  5. Right-Select Certificates, choose All Tasks > Import, and then select Next.
  6. Select Browse and then from the file name extension menu, choose Personal Information Exchange.
  7. Browse to the certificate location and then select Open.
  8. Select Next, enter the Password associated with your private key, select Next twice, and then select Finish.
  9. When the message Import was Successful appears, select OK.

For a public certificate, make sure that the domain it is issued to resolves to the local IP address of storage zones controller. To do that, update the hosts file on the storage zones controller to map the domain associated with the certificate to the storage zones controller IP address. If the two addresses do not resolve, users will not be able to upload files from storage zones controller.

Check and renew SSL status

To check the SSL certificate status. Access the External Address of the Storage Zone Controller on the browser.


Renew instructions

  1. Save your certificate file to the IIS server that the CSR request was generated from.

  2. Open the IIS Manager and on the left side click on your server’s name, and in the center window pane scroll down to Server Certificates and open it.

  3. Under Actions pane click to Complete Certificate Request.

  4. Click to browse to the .CER certificate file you received from Vendor, and give the certificate a Friendly Name to help you refer to this certificate by in the future and click Ok.

  5. Under the Connections window pane, expand your server’s computer name, then click the Site that you want to enable SSL on.

  6. In the Actions menu click Bindings… then select the binding for https and select Edi.

  7. In the ‘SSL certificate:’ drop-down menu select your newly-installed SSL Certificate by it’s friendly name, and click Ok.

Install an SSL certificate