Session Recording

Fixed issues

Compared with: Session Recording 2402 LTSR

Session Recording 2407 adds the following fixes:

  • When viewing recordings in the player, you might encounter an error message indicating missing data from the recording process, along with a data loss warning in the Event logs (Event ID: 2005) on the Session Recording server. [SRT-12682] [SRT-12707]

  • When you disable a rule for an event response policy on the Session Recording policy console, all configurations associated with the rule might be deleted. [SRT-12037]

  • When you use Microsoft Edge to access the website http://<SR Server>/WebPlayer/#/logging/config, the browser incorrectly opens 3 sign-in windows. [SRT-12274]

  • The web player might not support playing the recording files stored in C:\SessionRecordingsRestored. [SRT-12599]

  • The web player is unable to play recordings when its URL contains the word “cloud.” [SRT-12045]

Fixed issues

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