Session Recording

What’s new

What’s new in 2103

This release includes the following new features and enhancements:

Support for deploying the Database on AWS RDS

You can now deploy the Session Recording Database on AWS RDS by using the SessionRecordingAdministrationx64.msi package under \layout\image-full\x64\Session Recording on the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops ISO. For more information, see Deploy the Session Recording Database on cloud SQL database services.

Support for Azure Files and load balancing in Azure

You can now store recording files in Azure file shares that you can mount to both cloud and on-premises deployments. You can also deploy all Session Recording components in Azure and configure load balancing to evenly distribute loads across Session Recording Servers. For more information, see Specify where recordings are stored and Deploy and load-balance Session Recording in Azure.

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Remote PowerShell SDK support for dynamic session recording

We have added support for the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Remote PowerShell SDK to facilitate dynamic session recording in a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service environment. For more information, see Dynamic session recording.

Font and color redesigns for the web player website

We have implemented font and color redesigns on the web player website. For more information, see Session Recording web player.

Recording playback enhancements

As recordings grow in size, recording files can take longer to download and respond more slowly when you use the seek slider to navigate during playback. To enhance the playback experience, we have decreased the upper limit for recording files from 1 GB to 300 MB and achieved continuous playback by splitting a single recording into multiple files. You can also right-click or select a recording and then choose or click Follow up to show all recording files of the recorded session. For more information, see Specify file size for recordings, Launch the Session Recording Player, and Session Recording web player.

Hiding content on the web player home page

We have added an option in Session Recording Server Properties. It lets you prevent the web player home page from displaying any content. Recordings can be accessed only by way of their URLs. For more information, see Session Recording web player.

Migrating the WebSocket server to IIS

This release migrates the WebSocket server to IIS. A fresh installation of the latest Current Release connects your web browser to the WebSocket server hosted in IIS when you access the web player website. An upgrade installation from an earlier version to the latest Current Release connects your web browser to the original Python-based WebSocket server. To connect to the WebSocket server hosted in IIS, run the <Session Recording Server installation path>\Bin\SsRecUtils.exe -enablestreamingservice command. For more information, see Session Recording web player and Configure load balancing in an existing deployment.


Starting from this release, the ArchiveSample.ps1, SrServerConfigurationSync.ps1, and GenRandomQMID.ps1 scripts are available under <Session Recording Server installation path>\Scripts\.

What’s new