Session experience

Battery status indicator

The battery status of the device now appears in the notification area of a Citrix Desktop session.


Starting with the 2111 version, the battery status indicator appears for server VDAs also.

The battery status indicator is enabled by default.

To disable the battery status indicator:

  1. Navigate to the <ICAROOT>/config/module.ini folder.
  2. Go to the ICA 3.0 section.
  3. Set the MobileReceiver=Off.

App indicator icon

The app indicator starts when you launch Citrix Workspace app. It’s an icon that is present in the notification area. With the introduction of the app indicator, the Citrix Workspace app for Linux logon performance is improved.

You can observe performance improvement when you:

  • First launch of Citrix Workspace app
  • Close and relaunch the app
  • Quit and relaunch the app


The libappindicator package is required for the app indicator to appear. Install the libappindicator package suitable for your Linux distribution from the web.

Workspace launcher

Citrix introduces the Workspace launcher (ctx-webhelper) to launch published desktops and applications.

Previously, the browser plug-in provided along with Citrix Workspace app for Linux enabled users to launch published desktops and applications was based on the NPAPI.

As a solution, Citrix is introducing the Workspace launcher (WebHelper). To enable this feature, configure StoreFront to send requests to the Workspace launcher to detect the Citrix Workspace app installation.

Starting with Version 1901, the Citrix Workspace launcher is compatible with direct connections to StoreFront and Citrix Gateway. This feature helps to launch the ICA file automatically and to detect the Citrix Workspace app installation.

For information about configuring StoreFront, see Solution – 2 > a) Administrator configuration in Knowledge Center article CTX237727.


Citrix Workspace launcher currently works only with direct connections to StoreFront. It isn’t supported in other cases such as connections through Citrix Gateway.

Disabling new workspace web UI mode

When you launch the Citrix Workspace app for Linux using the self-service executable file from third-party thin-client vendors, the application can become unresponsive because of 100% CPU utilization.

As a workaround, to switch back to the old UI mode:

  1. Remove cached files by using the command: rm -r ~/.ICAClient
  2. Go to $ICAROOT/config/AuthManconfig.xml file.
  3. Change CWACapableEnabled key value to false.
  4. Launch Citrix Workspace app for Linux. Observe that the self-service executable file loads the old UI.

Copy and paste files and folders between two virtual desktops

Previously, you can copy only text between two virtual desktops. Starting with Citrix Workspace app for Linux version 2309, you can copy and paste files and folders between two virtual desktops.

This feature is enabled by default.


  • Copy and paste files and folders between two virtual desktops is supported only on the x64 and ARM64 Linux distributions.

  • In the Linux Virtual Delivery Agent, the maximum transfer of data in one single copy-paste operation is 200 MB. For more information, see File copy and paste documentation.

To disable this feature, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/config/module.ini configuration file.
  2. Edit the value of VDGDT to Off.

File type association

A Citrix Virtual Apps Services might also publish a file, rather than an application or desktop. This process is referred to as publishing content, and allows pnabrowse to open the published file.

There’s a limitation to the type of files that the Citrix Workspace app recognizes. Only when a published application is associated with the file type of the published file:

  • The system recognizes the file type of the published content
  • Users can view the file through Citrix Workspace app

For example, to view a published Adobe PDF file using Citrix Workspace app, an application such as Adobe PDF Viewer must be published. Unless a suitable application is published, users can’t view the published content.

To enable FTA on the client-side:

  1. Verify that the app that you want to associate is a favorite or a subscribed application.
  2. To get the list of published applications and the server URL, run the commands:

    ./util/storebrowse -l
    ./util/storebrowse -S <StoreFront URL>
  3. Run the ./util/ctx_app_bind command with the following syntax:

    ./util/ctx_app_bind [-p] example_file|MIME-type published-application [server|server-URI]

    for example, ./util/ctx_app_bind a.txt BVT_DB.Notepad_AWTSVDA-0001 https://awddc1.bvt.local/citrix/store/discovery

  4. Verify that the file that you’re trying to open is client drive mapping (CDM) enabled.
  5. Double-click the file to open it using the associated application.

Associating a published application with file types

Citrix Workspace app reads and applies the settings configured by administrators in Citrix Studio.


Verify that you connect to the Store server where the FTA is configured.

To link a file name extension with a Citrix Workspace app for Linux application:

  1. Publish the application.
  2. Log on to Citrix Studio.
  3. Right-click the application and then select Properties.
  4. Select Location.
  5. Add “%**” in the Command-line argument (optional) field to bypass the command-line validation and then click OK.

    Image of FTA location

  6. Right-click the application and select Properties.
  7. Select File Type Association.
  8. Select all the extensions that you want Citrix Workspace app to associate with the application. Image of FTA extensions
  9. Click Apply and Update file types.
  10. Follow the steps mentioned in File type association to enable FTA on the client-side.


The StoreFront file type association must be ON. By default, file type association is enabled.

Transparent user interface

The Citrix ICA protocol uses the Transparent User Interface Virtual Channel [TUI VC] protocol to transmit data between Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops or Citrix DaaS and host servers. The TUI protocol transmits user interface [UI] component messages for remote connections.

Citrix Workspace app for Linux supports the TUI VC feature. This feature helps the client to receive the TUI packets sent by the server, and the client can access the UI-related components. This functionality helps you to control the display of the default overlay screen. You can toggle the VDTUI flag in the module.ini file: VDTUI - On/Off

Starting with version 1912, the VDTUI flag is set to On by default. As a result, the “Starting <Application>” dialog box no longer appears when you launch an app. Instead, a “Connecting <Application>” dialog appears with a progress bar. The dialog also displays the progress of the app launch. However, if you set the flag to Off, the “Starting <Application>” dialog rendered on top of other application windows, covering the login prompt.

For more information on Virtual Channels, see Citrix ICA virtual channels in the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops documentation.

Increase in the number of supported virtual channels

In earlier versions of the client, sessions supported up to 32 virtual channels.

Starting with the 2103 version, you can use up to 64 virtual channels in a session.

Enhanced desktop launch and screen resizing experience

Citrix Workspace app for Linux ensures a smooth transition and prevents black screens and flickers when resizing or stretching your virtual desktop screen.


The enhanced virtual desktop screen resizing experience and enhanced desktop launch experience features are enabled by default.

Starting with version 2408, the enhanced desktop launch experience feature is enabled by default for single monitor setups only. Starting with version 2411, this feature also supports multiple setups.

To disable the enhanced virtual desktop screen resizing experience feature, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the $HOME/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini folder.
  2. Go to the [WFClient] section.
  3. Add the following entry:

Starting with version 2411, Citrix Workspace app for Linux ensures an improved desktop launch experience. You’ll experience a seamless, flicker-free transition to your desktop without intermediate screens.

To disable the enhanced desktop launch experience feature, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the $HOME/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini folder.
  2. Go to the [WFClient] section.
  3. Add the following entry:

Improved loading experience for shared user mode

Starting with the 2408 version, the time taken to load the store is reduced and thus the loading experience for the shared user mode is improved.


This feature is applicable only on StoreFront stores.

This feature is disabled by default. To enable this feature, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the AuthManConfig.xml configuration file.
  2. Set the following entry as True:

Sustainability initiative from Citrix Workspace app

From the Citrix Workspace app 2402 version onwards, the following prompt might appear when you click disconnect, sign out, or close a virtual desktop.


Users can either Sign Out or Disconnect from the session.


By default, this feature is disabled. To enable the dialog box for end users, administrators must configure the feature.


This feature allows organizations to encourage users to be more mindful of their energy consumption when using virtual desktops. This feature might help conserve energy by reminding end users to sign out of the unused VMs when not required. This way, organizations can conserve energy by reducing the number of unused VMs left running.

Enable sustainability feature

By default, this feature is disabled. If you don’t edit the client-side configuration, the following dialog box appears to the end users.


Starting with version 2411, enable the sustainability feature by editing the client-side configuration and adding the line CloseDialogVersion=1 in ~/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini. This means the end users don’t have an option to Sign Out. By default, you can force the end users to click Disconnect.


To use the sustainability feature with a custom message, modify the delivery group on DDC 2407 or later as follows:

Configure Save Energy message on TSVDA

To enable this feature on TSVDA, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Citrix Studio.
  2. Click Delivery Groups from the left navigation pane.
  3. Select the required TSVDA from the Delivery Group section.
  4. Click the Edit icon. The Edit Delivery Group page appears.
  5. Click Desktops from the left navigation pane.


  6. Select the required VDA where you must add the keywords.
  7. Click Edit. The Edit Desktop page appears.
  8. Set the ICA-LogOffOnClose keyword to true in the Description field.

    For example, KEYWORDS:ICA-LogOffOnClose=true ICA-PromptMessage="Do you want to sign out from the session?" ICA-Title="Sign out or disconnect" ICA-Icon=true


  9. Click OK, and then click Save.

The following dialog box appears when you close the virtual desktop.


If the configuration is done during an active session, you need to close the current session and restart it for this dialog box to appear.


Configure Save Energy message on WVDA

To enable this feature on WVDA, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Citrix Studio.
  2. Click Delivery Groups from the left navigation pane.
  3. Select the required WVDA from the Delivery Group section.
  4. Click the Edit icon. The Edit Delivery Group page appears.
  5. Click User Settings from the left navigation pane.
  6. Set the ICA-LogOffOnClose keyword to true in the Description field.

    For example, KEYWORDS:ICA-LogOffOnClose=true ICA-PromptMessage="Do you want to sign out from the session?" ICA-Title="Sign out or disconnect" ICA-Icon=true


  7. Click Save.

The following dialog box appears when you close the virtual desktop.


If the configuration is done during an active session, you need to close the current session and restart it for this dialog box to appear.


Customization of Desktop Viewer toolbar

With the 2411 release, you have more control over the Desktop Viewer toolbar. You can customize toolbar options using the Global App Configuration service (GACS) or the .ini file.

You can customize:

  • Show or hide the full Desktop Viewer Toolbar for end users.
  • Choose which tabs appear on the Desktop Viewer Toolbar.


You can customize the Desktop Viewer toolbar using GACS Admin UI or the .ini file.

Using GACS

To configure the customization of the Desktop Viewer toolbar through the GACS Admin UI, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Citrix Cloud with your credentials.


    Refer to the Sign Up for Citrix Cloud article for step-by-step instructions on creating a Citrix Cloud account.

  2. Upon authentication, click the menu button on the upper left corner and select Workspace Configuration. The Workspace Configuration screen appears.

  3. Click App Configuration > Citrix Workspace app.

  4. Select the Linux checkbox.

  5. You can now update the settings under Session Experience > Toolbar.

For more information, see Global App Configuration service documentation.

Using .ini file

To configure the customization of the Desktop Viewer toolbar through the .ini file, follow these steps:

To hide the toolbar:

  1. Navigate to the $HOME/.ICAClient/All_Regions.ini file.
  2. Under the [Client Engine\GUI] section, find ConnectionBar=.
  3. Set ConnectionBar=0;

To show the toolbar:

  1. Navigate to the $HOME/.ICAClient/All_Regions.ini file.
  2. Under the [Client Engine\GUI] section, find ConnectionBar=.
  3. Set ConnectionBar=* or ConnectionBar=1;

To configure each button on the toolbar:

  1. Navigate to the $HOME/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini file.
  2. Go to the [WFClient] section and add the following entry as required.

    For Button “Switch Desktop”:

    • To show: Don’t set or SwitchDesktopButtonVisible=True
    • To hide: SwitchDesktopButtonVisible=False

    For Button “Ctrl+Alt+Del”:

    • To show: Don’t set or CtrlAltDelButtonVisible=True
    • To hide: CtrlAltDelButtonVisible=False

    For Button “Devices”:

    • To show: Don’t set or DevicesButtonVisible=True
    • To hide: DevicesButtonVisible=False

    For Button “Preferences”:

    • To show: Don’t set or PreferencesButtonVisible=True
    • To hide: PreferencesButtonVisible=False

    For Button “Connection”:

    • To show: Don’t set or ConnectionButtonVisible=True
    • To hide: ConnectionButtonVisible=False

    For Button “Multi-monitor”:

    • To show: Don’t set or MultiMonitorButtonVisible=True
    • To hide: MultiMonitorButtonVisible=False

    For Button “Minimize”:

    • To show: Don’t set or MinimizeButtonVisible=True
    • To hide: MinimizeButtonVisible=False

    For Button “Fullscreen / Restore”:

    • To show: Don’t set or FullscreenButtonVisible=True
    • To hide: FullscreenButtonVisible=False

    For Button “Disconnect”:

    • To show: Don’t set or CloseButtonVisible=True
    • To hide: CloseButtonVisible=False

To Customize the Toolbar:

  1. Navigate to the $HOME/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini file.
  2. Go to the [WFClient] section and add the following entry as required to hide options on the toolbar:
