Linux Virtual Delivery Agent

Linux VM and Linux session metrics

The following table lists the metrics available for Linux VMs and Linux sessions.

Metric Min. VDA Version Required Description Remarks
Logon duration 2402 The total logon time is available with the Linux VDA 2109 and later. It is a measure of the logon process from the time that a user connects from Citrix Workspace app to the time a session is ready to use. The time taken for each phase of the logon process, such as HDX connection, Authentication, and GPOs, is available with the Linux VDA 2402 and later. To view the logon duration metrics, select the Logon Performance tab on the Trends view. Available in Citrix Director and Monitor.
ICA latency 2311 ICA latency is the network latency which indicates if the network is sluggish. Open the Session Details view to access this metric. Available in Citrix Director and Monitor.
Policies 2311 All policies that are in effect for the current session are displayed on the Policies tab in the Session Details view. Available in Citrix Director and Monitor.
Session auto reconnect count


To view the number of auto reconnects in a session, access the Trends view. Set conditions and click Apply to narrow the search results. The Session Auto Reconnect Count column displays the number of auto reconnects in a session. Auto reconnect is enabled when the Session Reliability or the Auto Client Reconnect policies are in effect. For more information about session reconnections and relevant policies, see the following articles. Available in Citrix Director and Monitor.

Auto client reconnect policy settings
Session reliability policy settings
Idle time 2103 To access this metric, open the All Sessions page by selecting Filters > Sessions > All Sessions. Available in Citrix Director and Monitor.
Metrics of a Linux VM 2103 The metrics for Linux VMs are: the number of CPU cores, memory size, hard disk capacity, and current and historical CPU and memory utilization Available in Citrix Director and Monitor.
Protocol 1909 The transport protocol of a Linux session appears as UDP or TCP in the Session Details view. Available in Citrix Director and Monitor.
ICA RTT 1903 ICA Round Trip Time (RTT) is the elapsed time from when you press a key until the response appears on the endpoint. To obtain ICA RTT metrics, create the ICA round trip calculation and ICA round trip calculation interval policies in Citrix Studio. Available in Citrix Director and Monitor.
Linux VM and Linux session metrics