Azure Active Directory Permissions for Citrix Cloud Japan

This article describes the permissions that Citrix Cloud Japan requests when connecting and using Azure Active Directory (AD). Depending on how Azure AD is used with the Citrix Cloud Japan account, one or more enterprise applications might be created in the target Azure AD tenant. You can connect multiple Citrix Cloud Japan accounts to one Azure AD tenant and use the same enterprise applications, without creating a set of applications for each account.


As of April 2022, the Azure AD app that Citrix Cloud Japan uses to connect your Azure AD was updated to use the GroupMember.Read.All permission instead of the Group.Read.All permission. If you have an existing Azure AD connection (before April 2022) and you want the app to use the new permission, you must disconnect and then reconnect your Azure AD to Citrix Cloud Japan. This action ensures your account is using the latest Azure AD app in Citrix Cloud Japan. For more information, see Reconnect to Azure AD for the updated app.

If you choose not to update the app, your existing connection still functions normally.

Enterprise applications

The following table lists the Azure AD enterprise applications that Citrix Cloud Japan uses when connecting and using Azure AD and the purpose for which each application is used.

Name Application ID Usage
Citrix Cloud ProductionJP f751768a-a91d-4306-af65-448ab59e2c85 Workspace subscriber login
CC-Directory-ProductionJP 6550e1c7-8970-46bc-82b6-ebd920ff255d Default connection between Azure AD and Citrix Cloud Japan
Athena ProductionJP 6464247d-8d40-42b9-a75e-4660db847454 Administrator invitations and logins


The permissions in Citrix Cloud Japan’s enterprise applications allow Citrix Cloud Japan to access certain data in your Azure AD tenant. Citrix Cloud Japan uses these data to perform specific functions such as connecting to your Azure AD tenant and enabling administrators to sign in to Citrix Cloud Japan using a dedicated sign-in URL. Citrix Cloud Japan can only access these data with your consent. These permissions represent the least amount of privilege that Citrix Cloud Japan needs to function with your Azure AD. For more information about Azure AD permissions and consent, see Permissions and consent in the Microsoft identity platform on the Microsoft Azure documentation web site.

In this article, each set of Azure AD application permissions includes the following information:

  • API Name: The resource applications from which Citrix Cloud Japan requests permissions. These applications are Microsoft Graph and Windows Azure Active Directory. Citrix Cloud Japan requests the same permissions from both of these resource applications.
  • Type: The levels of access that Citrix Cloud Japan requests for a given permission. Permissions in a given enterprise application can have one of the following access levels:
    • Delegated permissions are used to act on behalf of a signed-in user, such as when querying the profile of the user.
    • Application permissions are used when the application performs an action without the user’s presence, such as querying users within a particular group. This permission type requires consent of a Global Administrator in Azure AD.
  • Claim Value: The string of information that Azure AD assigns to a given permission. Permissions in a given enterprise application can have one of the following claim values:
    • User.Read: Allows Citrix Cloud Japan administrators to add users from the connected Azure AD as administrators on the Citrix Cloud Japan account.
    • User.ReadBasic.All: Gathers basic info from the user’s profile. This is a subset of User.Read.All but the permission itself remains for backwards compatibility.
    • User.Read.All: Citrix Cloud Japan calls List users in Microsoft Graph to enable browsing and selection of users from the customer’s connected Azure AD. For example, users from Azure AD can be given access to a Citrix DaaS resource with the workspace. Citrix Cloud Japan can’t use User.ReadBasic.All as Citrix Cloud Japan needs to access properties outside of the basic profile such as onPremisesSecurityIdentifier.
    • GroupMember.Read.All: Citrix Cloud Japan calls List groups in Microsoft Graph to allow browsing and selection of groups from the customer’s connected Azure AD. For example, groups from Azure AD can also be granted access to Citrix DaaS applications.

Workspace subscriber login

The Citrix Cloud ProductionJP application (ID: f751768a-a91d-4306-af65-448ab59e2c85) uses the same permissions for both the Microsoft Graph and the Windows Azure Active Directory resource applications.

API Name Claim Value Permission Name Type
Microsoft Graph User.Read Sign in and read user profile Delegated
Windows Azure Active Directory User.Read Sign in and read user profile Delegated

Default connection between Azure AD and Citrix Cloud Japan

The CC-Directory-ProductionJP application (ID: 6550e1c7-8970-46bc-82b6-ebd920ff255d) uses the following permissions:

API Name Claim Value Permission Type
Microsoft Graph GroupMember.Read.All Read all groups Delegated
Microsoft Graph User.ReadBasic.All Read all users’ basic profiles Delegated
Microsoft Graph User.Read.All Read all users’ full profiles Delegated
Microsoft Graph User.Read Sign in and read user profile Delegated
Microsoft Graph GroupMember.Read.All Read all groups Application
Microsoft Graph User.Read.All Read all users’ full profile Application

Administrator invitations and logins

The Athena ProductionJP application (ID: 6464247d-8d40-42b9-a75e-4660db847454) uses the following permissions:

API Name Claim Value Permission Name Type
Microsoft Graph User.Read Sign in and read user profile Delegated
Microsoft Graph User.ReadBasic.All Read all users’ basic profiles Delegated
Azure Active Directory Permissions for Citrix Cloud Japan